2024 GENERAL Election
As we have all heard about the upcoming presidential election, registering voters and getting out the vote are key to achieving a Democratic victory on November 5th, 2024. Americans for Democratic Action of Southeastern PA urges everyone receiving this email to take action towards these goals and ask your networks to do so as well.
See below four organizations that link people to online voter registration and/or offer opportunities to engage in other essential aspects of the voting process, such as in person voter registration, voter protection, monitoring the polls, detecting misinformation, etc.
We know that this election is about saving our democracy. Let’s all give US democracy the best chance possible to prevail!
Here you can find absentee and mail in ballot information. You can find your voting districts and polling place.
Click here to register to vote online at PA Voter Services.
Here you can register to vote check your status, request a mail ballot and make a plan to vote.
NPP focuses on expanding the PA electorate to reflect changing PA demographics -including the young and those in historically underrepresented communities - and mobilizing the vote. Fill out a volunteer intake form to get involved.
Focuses on ensuring a safe and democratic ballot process with opportunities to volunteer in activities such as becoming a social media monitor, a poll watcher, a disinformation checker, civic influencer and more.
2023 GENERAL Election
Please consider our recommendations below with your VOTE ON NOVEMBER 7TH!
The election of Daniel McCaffrey to the Supreme Court is very important in the event of challenges to abortion, LGBTQ and other rights and to the integrity of our PA 2024 spring presidential primary and fall presidential elections.
With respect to other elected offices at the local, county, state and federal levels, ADA encourages you to consider candidates with progressive values. Important issues to consider are protecting and expanding:
Voting rights and voting access
Women's reproductive healthcare
Healthcare access and funding
Also vital to Pennsylvania’s economy and wellbeing will be the upcoming reauthorization of the Farm Bill (SNAP), preservation and enhancement of farmland and more.
2023 Primary Election
We are pleased to send you Americans for Democratic Action of Southeastern Pennsylvania’s recommendations for the May 16 primary. This year in Philadelphia, we are fortunate to have many qualified candidates for City Council and for Mayor. With respect for the Mayor’s race, our board was split between two strong candidates. We have recommended both and leave the choice up to voters. There are many candidates in the race for Bucks, Chester, Delaware County Courts. We were unable to vet them all. We encourage citizens from these counties to evaluate their judicial candidates on the basis of integrity, judicial temperament, and a consideration for the well-being of county citizens. Please remember to VOTE on May 16!
2022 Primary Election
Josh Shapiro
US Senate
Malcolm Kenyatta
Philadelphia Charter Questions: Vote YES
PA House Candidates
HD 10 - Cassandra Green
HD 29 - Timothy Patrick Brennan
HD 31 - Perry Warren
HD 54 - Rochelle Culbreath
HD 74 - Dan Williams
HD 96 - Dana Hemp Gulick
HD 166 - David Brown
HD 181 - Malcolm Kenyatta
HD 182 - Ben Waxman
HD 194 - Pam Delissio
HD 200 - Chris Rabb
PA Senate Candidates
SD 4 - Art Haywood
SD12 - Maria Collett
2021 Primary Election
Americans for Democratic Action, Southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter is proud to endorse the following judicial candidates:
Maria McLaughlin
Timika Lane
Lori Dumas
Sierra Street
Court of COMMON PLEAS (Philadelphia)
(This year the field of judicial candidates was exceptionally talented. Therefore, we have made nine recommendations to consider for the eight openings on the Court of Common Pleas. Voters can make their selections.)
Wendi Barish
Christopher Hall
Michele Hangley
Nicolas Kamau
Craig Levin
Cateria McCabe
Mark Moore
Dan Sulman
Betsy Wahl
MUNICIPAL COURT (Philadelphia)
Gregory Yorgey-Girdy
Larry Krasner
Rebecca Rhynhart
No. 1 NO
No. 2 NO
No. 3 YES
No. 4 YES
No. 5 YES
2020 General Election
Americans for Democratic Action is proud to endorse these candidates in the 2020 General Election. Each of them demonstrates the values and commitment to progressive action that we believe is the foundation of a healthy democracy.
Election Day is November 3! Make your plan to vote today. Information about registering to vote, applying for a mail-in ballot, early voting locations, and polling places can be found at www.votespa.com.
Endorsed Candidates
PA Statewide
Auditor General Nina Ahmad
US Congress
CD-04 Madeleine Dean
CD-05 Mary Gay Scanlon
PA Senate
SD-13 Janet Diaz
SD-17 Amanda Cappelletti
PA House
HD-26 Paul Friel
HD-29 Marlene Katz
HD-31 Perry Warren
HD-142 Lauren Lareau
HD-151 Jonathan Kassa
HD-152 Nancy Guenst
HD-157 Melissa Shusterman
HD-160 Anton Andrew
HD-168 Deb Ciamacca
HD-170 Mike Doyle
HD-184 Elizabeth Fiedler
HD-188 Rick Krajewski